CLIENT: F.lli Ronc srl
POWER: MV 0,134
YEAR: 2019/2020
The “Preyl” power station is located in the town of the same name in the town of Roisan and uses water supplied by the supply pipe to the community aqueduct of Grand Combin.
The works are part of the wider authorization procedure for the award of the “Concession relating to the water network and the management of controlled reservoirs of the community aqueduct”.
The net height useful for hydroelectric operation is that existing between the Preyl reservoir and the Voisinal reservoir at Oyace, or about 270 m.
The swirling water is immediately made available for the community aqueduct, within the same building in Preyl, without in any way affecting the availability of the water network and the service provided to users.
The architectural ensemble of the central building has a modern cut.
The unmanned installation is fully automated by means of a logic controller and information relating to the electrical and mechanical parameters of the installation is transmitted to Introd’s supervision center.
The most obvious result of automation is the disappearance of the majority of electromechanical controls. The operator interacts with the central system via the local supervisor’s touch screen. The graphics pages, designed to be easy to use, display on-screen controls, which are activated by touching them with your finger.