Client: Idropiova S.r.l.
Power: 660 KVA
Year: 2020/2024
The power plant is located in the Municipality of Cintano (TO).
The work is composed of 5 main bodies, detailed as follows:
intake works, loading chamber, underground forced duct, power plant building, riverbed restitution works.
The intake is located in the municipalities of Cintano and Colleretto and underlies a catchment area of about 16.60 sq. km.
The loading chamber is newly built and is underground.
The forced duct starts from the loading chamber.
The diameter of the forced duct is 800 mm with a layout of about 1,500 metres of horizontal development and a maximum height difference of 90.90 metres.
The power plant building, based on maximum simplicity, is housed in a new building, is underground and houses the machines and equipment for energy transformation.